Are You Thinking About Downsizing?

Whether you are a Baby Boomer who is ready to simplify life, an empty nester who would like a cozier space with less upkeep and maintenance or perhaps someone who has recently lost a spouse-downsizing may be on your mind. If so, you are not alone!

Our team at Tidy Style is here to help you usher in this next chapter with a sense of renewal and joy. It is important to us that we honor your belongings while helping you make an intentional decision about what items you will take with you as opposed to those items you will part with.

Here’s a story from one of our Professional Organizers at Tidy Style, Tamara. “From personal experience, downsizing my belongings while I was still alive was THE BEST thing I have ever done. Watching my kids pick out what mattered to them and leave behind what didn’t gave me deeper insight into them as humans and we all relived some awesome memories together. I have never felt more free in my life…and I own about 80% less than I did before downsizing.

From a practical perspective Tamara suggests it comes down to a mindset change. Ask yourself, “Do I need this specialized cake pan or could I borrow from a friend or even the library (yes, library) on the rare occasion that I might need it?” She also suggests that you can be just as festive decorating a smaller area of your home instead of the whole house. Tamara recommends reading this book to help you get into the right mindset, “Your Kids Don’t Want Your Stuff-A Memoir”.

On a similar note is a Scandinavian movement that is catching on despite it’s in your face name “Swedish Death Cleaning.” Don’t let the name scare you, this is really about intentional decluttering with the aim to not burden your loved ones with stuff they neither want or need after you have passed. The talented team at The Spruce has compiled a helpful Swedish Death Cleaning Checklist that you may find helpful to kickstart the process of downsizing.

Cary, our Director Of Marketing, shares that the process of clearing out her parent’s space after unexpectedly losing her father was “brutal and exhausting.” She says, “I would NEVER want my kids to have that much stuff to sort through. In my house, if I don’t use it, I don’t keep it.”

Shea, one of our Project Managers at Tidy Style, shares that her parents proactively asked her and her siblings about what they would want after they pass away. She really appreciated that they asked rather than assumed.

Our Tidy Style team is here to hold your hand (literally or figuratively) through the process of downsizing. We are a compassionate team who will help you part with the items that you don’t want to bring into this next chapter in a way that honors those items and the memories attached. We have so many ideas that go beyond simply donating or boxing up for a loved one to deal with.

Cary gifted her mom and in-laws a Storyworth Book. Every week your loved one will get sent a writing prompt about their life. After a year of writing, Storyworth compiles everything into an elegant book of memories. This is just as much a gift for them as it is for you.

Katie, another one of our talented organizers recently helped a couple in their 80’s declutter. This presented an opportunity to turn years of collected t-shirts into a beautiful quilt with the help of Project Repat. When the quilt arrived it sparked a meaningful story telling session between the couple, their daughter and granddaughter. Unfortunately, the husband died two weeks after the quilt arrived but the family will cherish this quilt and that day for years to come.

Dianna, who also organizes for team Tidy Style, shares some practical advice. “I was on the team that helped an elderly couple downsize last year and the sheer amount of linens was very overwhelming to the clients and their space. You really only need two sets of linens for each bed (at the most). This gives you one set to use and one set to put on when the first set is being laundered. The same idea applies to towels in the bathroom. One set in use with a spare set for when that set is in the wash.”

If you or a loved one is ready to downsize or even just minimize the clutter, reach out today via this link. We look forward to connecting and hearing about your goals for your home (and the stuff in it)!