Are You A Pro Organizer or An Aspiring Pro Organizer?


Oh how i wish i had a resource like this when i was starting out…

After seven years in business as a professional organizer I can tell you I have learned a lot of lessons. My decade long background in sales and marketing prior to starting Tidy Style has proven valuable to me in so many ways and has been instrumental in the success of Tidy Style.

Whether you are just thinking about starting a business as a pro organizer or you are already off and running, I believe I have some valuable knowledge to share. Ask me all your questions and I promise to be as frank and as helpful as I can.

Some of the topics I have covered with previous client’s include: Building teams, scaling the business, inventory management and purchasing, branding and marketing, client communication and much more!

Be sure to check out our latest Digital Download-Ultimate Guide: Launch Your Own Thriving Home Organization Business on our shop page. Click here!