Unpacking & Home Setup Service

Our unpacking and home setup service is completely customizable to what you, our client needs. Our primary goal is to take the stress away from the moving process by getting you settled into your home quickly and efficiently.

It’s most typical that we would structure it like this: Day 1-Kitchen and Pantry unpack and setup, Day 2-Master Closet, Day 3-Bathrooms, Laundry, Mud/Utility Closets, Day 4-Kid’s Spaces.

That being said, many clients hire us for only the kitchen/pantry unpack and setup. We strongly recommend having us start in that space as it is the hub of the home and once the kitchen is operational you start feeling at home right away!

Depending on the size of the home we will send the right size team to get these spaces done in a 6-8 hour day. That being said, we have unpacked many kitchen and pantry situations in less than a half day.

In most cases, it is not necessary for us to see the space before we get you scheduled for our unpacking service. We keep a large inventory of organizational product (drawer bins, dividers, turntables, baskets, etc.) and we always plan on bringing in with us more than what we will need to set up all the organizational systems in your space. We simply take anything we do not use away at the end of the day.

If you are interested in having Tidy Style unpack and setup your home, please fill out our contact form and someone will call you to discuss the details. Keep in mind we typically schedule about 4 weeks out. That being said, we can often accommodate “last minute” moves. Another point I should make is that we completely understand the unreliable nature of move in dates and we are setup to accommodate delays when they occur.

Some Recent Projects

When my team arrived to unpack this beautiful kitchen it was filled with boxes!  In one 6 hour session this kitchen is fully functional!  Imagine cooking a home cooked meal the same day you move in!

When my team arrived to unpack this beautiful kitchen it was filled with boxes! In one 6 hour session this kitchen is fully functional! Imagine cooking a home cooked meal the same day you move in!

Here’s a grid of some of our most recent pantries but if you scroll to the bottom of this page we have plenty more!

We do enjoy a good snack drawer setup!  This was a new move in project.  Day 1 we completed pantry and kitchen, day 2 the master suite, day 3 kid’s spaces and our final day we completed the bathrooms with the utility areas.

We do enjoy a good snack drawer setup! This was a new move in project. Day 1 we completed pantry and kitchen, day 2 the master suite, day 3 kid’s spaces and our final day we completed the bathrooms with the utility areas.

We delivered on our client’s goals for a “grown up” closet but it’s still so fun with the pops of orange!

We delivered on our client’s goals for a “grown up” closet but it’s still so fun with the pops of orange!

Denim is one of the few things that will hold up to being placed on a shelf without additional containment.

Denim is one of the few things that will hold up to being placed on a shelf without additional containment.

We love the rainbow of colors our client had represented in her wardrobe.  This made the organization that much more fun!  This was a move in and closet setup.

We love the rainbow of colors our client had represented in her wardrobe. This made the organization that much more fun! This was a move in and closet setup.

Uniform hangers are a must for a cohesive and beautiful closet!

Uniform hangers are a must for a cohesive and beautiful closet!

Kitchen unpack & setup.  We brought in all the necessary product to set up this space so that our client’s could entertain from day 1!

Kitchen unpack & setup. We brought in all the necessary product to set up this space so that our client’s could entertain from day 1!

Closet move in & setup.  The infrastructure was great so we didn’t need much product.

Closet move in & setup. The infrastructure was great so we didn’t need much product.

Tidy Style Can Customize To Fit Your Budget

Hello everyone! Heather, here🙋🏻‍♀️. I wanted to take a minute to talk about how customizable our services are. We aim to make our services as accessible as possible but that being said we understand that bringing in a professional organizer isn’t an option for everyone. To that end we strive to put out as much DIY information as we can whether via our Instagram page or answering direct messages from client’s with specific organization questions. We believe very strongly in the impact our homes can have on our daily outlook. I have seen over and over again the change in a client’s demeanor after we have worked our magic. Clutter and disorganization cause stress. Tidy Style can take a client from feeling overwhelmed in their own home to feeling peaceful and inspired. This is why we do what we do❣️ This is why we love what we do❣️

We quote our projects based on how large of a team and for how many hours to get the project done. This part is what it is. We can’t sacrifice any part of our organizational process because we want to give you the best end result possible. With years of experience in professional organizing I can say with 100% certainty our process is crucial to an amazing “after”.

It is important to us that the end result not just look amazing and feel good but it must be easy to maintain as well. That is where the product comes into the picture. Without baskets, bins, etc. to create designated homes for the categories the organization will melt together and eventually won’t be organized anymore.

We have clients come to us with very specific aesthetic requests and we happily deliver on those. More often though, our client knows they want an organized, functional space and of course, would like it to be pretty but they leave the look up to us. This is where product budget comes into play. We have done many beautiful organization projects where high quality plastics that average around $5 per piece were the shining star. On the flip side of that we do a lot of projects where the client prefers no plastics be used. We respect and appreciate that point of view and are always happy to work with beautiful baskets and glass containers. Those types of projects typically have a median per product cost of closer to $20. The most common request is to do a mix of the two. We love this and I must admit, these are often my favorites in the end!

As far as using or re-using a client’s existing organizational product, we always strive to re-use what we can. That being said, much of the time the reason a client is struggling with the space has much to do with the type of product or lack of product. Another point that I must bring up is that even a fairly organized space can look messy if the product is all mis-matched. Cohesive product really is a game changer.

So how do we do it? It is common for us to bring in 2-3 times the amount of product that we will end up using on any organizational project. This is so we have many options of product and combinations of product at our disposal while on a job. The product that we bring to your space is usually a mix of custom ordered specifically for your space and some organizational MVPs that we love for their versatility. During the consult we will uncover what is most important to you, the client. Is it a high end aesthetic? Is it functionality over look? Is it getting the space organized as inexpensively as possible? We have you covered on all those bases!

Feel free to reach out to us with questions or fill out the form under Contact to schedule your free consult.


Why You Should Get Organized in 2021!

There are obvious reasons to organize your home: 1) So you know what you have and where to find it 2) To avoid buying redundancies (i.e. save money) and 3) So you can be efficient in your space.

Those are great motivators, but for me the best reason is because an organized home is your foundation of wellness.   Couldn’t we all use a little wellness in our lives after the craziness of 2020? 

I have witnessed over and over again a transformation that happens in my clients when we organize their space.  A cluttered space feels heavy and frenetic all at once.  A tidy space feels calm and can actually inspire efficiency.  The impact our home has on us is real!  

I’ll make the process as short and sweet as possible.  1. Clear the space into categories. 2. Clean the space 3. Edit the categories down 4. Contain the categories 5. Label

The edit (or purge) is a very important step because in most cases, if organization is a challenge it is because you have too much stuff.  I never encourage my clients to donate something that is important to them but during the edit we really must examine what is truly meaningful/useful.  

Once edited down, you must decide how to contain your items.  Having a designated home for everything is what makes a space maintainable.  This, incidentally is the fun part!  You have the opportunity with your containment to make the space beautiful, so why not?  By now you may be tempted to skip the last step but if you want to maintain all your hard work, then labeling is a must!  Labeling tip: keep it general to allow for some flexibility.

Follow us on Instagram @tidystylehome.  We are always happy to answer your organizing questions.  

Tackle Those Playrooms Before Santa Comes!

Check out this article along with a Holiday Gift Guide in the November/December copy of Eagle Magazine!

As a professional organizer, I would say that playrooms are one of my favorite spaces to tackle.  Sure, there is typically a lot of sorting but in the end you can make some fun style choices and really bring the space to life.

A couple of notes before I get into the actual organization process.  I know a lot of pro organizers would say to involve your kids on this  project.  In my experience that is a good way to never get it done!  Kids tend to get excited about things that have been lying dormant in the bottom of the toy box as soon as you tell them it’s going to the donate pile.  So my first recommendation is to tackle this project while the kids are away at school or otherwise entertained.  

My second note is to tackle this project (like any organization project) first thing in the morning or whenever you find you have the most energy.  To organize any space effectively you need to follow the steps and that takes time, energy and focus.  So grab a cup of coffee and let’s do this!

The first step is to sort everything into categories.  If you have a space that is jam packed then you can break this step into parts.  For example, that may look like sorting all the art and craft supplies and dealing with those first and then onto the rest of the room.

Once you have everything sorted then comes the edit.  Low hanging fruit would be broken toys, then any “disposable” toys (i.e. anything from McDonalds), anything with missing pieces, etc.  Next, toys your kids have grown out of or lost interest in.  I’m always about a good edit but also keep in mind once the toys are organized in an accessible way you may find that your kids play with things they haven’t in a long time.

Now for a little space planning.  Look at your playroom infrastructure.  Do you have adequate shelving?  If not, I would consider adding some furniture.  I have a leaning toward more grown up furniture that can stay in the space for the long haul.  

Now onto containing what’s left.  I love to use clear in a kid’s playroom wherever I can.  If they can see it, they are more likely to play with it!  Clear stackable shoe boxes and bins work great on shelves.  When containing, remember you will be labeling everything so try not to combine categories of toys together.  I like to have one or two “Misc.Toys” bins at the end.  Place your toy containers into zones if possible.  I like to create zones for “Arts and Crafts”, “Imaginary Play”, “Make and Build”, etc. it’s all customized to the space.  Like with like should be your guiding mantra!

Lastly, label, label, label!  Even if your kiddos can’t quite read find a fun way to label the bins.  Before my kids could read I took Polaroids to stick to the boxes.  Labeling is important because it shows the kid’s where to find things and also where to put them back.  Good luck and happy organizing!

How To Win At Homeschooling (Or At Least Not Lose Your Sanity)!

The Key Is Organization

First things first.  Designate a consistent space.  Once you’ve designated a space for schoolwork you will want to make sure that space is organized and free from clutter.  This will create a calming effect and also helps with focus!  Clutter=distraction.

Next figure out where you’re going to store the school supplies at the end of the day.  If you have a shelf unit nearby than something as simple as a clear shoe box can be a great and inexpensive storage solution.  They are stackable and because they are clear, the contents are visible.  Visibility is a huge plus with kids!

If your space is doing double duty, (hello dining room table) then you will want a solution that is easily put away at the end of the day.  A rolling cart is a great way to organize school/art supplies.  Use bins and boxes to create a defined home for all the categories.  At the end of the day simply roll the cart away to signify the end of the school day.

Color code!  Have each kid pick a favorite color and create folders and binders in that color for each subject.  I find that color coding by child makes life easier than coding by subject.  This way when you see a folder  you know exactly who it belongs to with a glance!

Label, label, label!  This takes the thinking out of looking for things and also makes it easier for your kids to put things back where they go!  All organization projects should end with labeling.

Disclaimer: I am a regular mom who loves my kids and loves to organize.  Before last spring I had never homeschooled in my life.  Before taking on any challenge I find getting organized is always the first best step!

Follow us on Instagram for organizational tips and tricks!  @tidystylehome 

Organize Any Space In Your Home and Find Your Zen

As the lazy days of summer fade away and the air gets cooler and the colors get warmer life can start to get hectic.  Amid navigating the world we are in right now, figuring out what to do about school, trying to squeeze in a workout and getting dinner on the table for a start, you may start to feel cuckoo.  Well here’s one thing I know for sure, if your home is organized everything will go so much smoother.  Your daily routines will have a flow and your alone time (assuming you get any) will truly be zen.  

Here’s the deal though, to get really organized you have to put forth some time (probably some sweat and maybe some tears…will explain more on that later) or hire yourself a professional organizer.  Once it’s done and done right you will be able to maintain the organized space easily and you will reap the benefits everyday…I promise!  So take a minute to settle into your new schedule and then schedule yourself a day to tackle space #1.

Buck up buttercup and let’s do this!

Here are some steps to tackle pretty much any space in your home.

  1. Clear out the space completely.  Whether it’s your closet or your pantry you will want to take Every Single Thing out and organize into categories.  At this point you may be looking around and thinking, “Good grief, what have I started here?”  Trust me though, this step is crucial for getting the best end result.

  2. Clean the space.  You want to start with a clean (literally) slate.  Vacuum, dust, wash light fixtures, replace bulbs if necessary.  

  3. Edit.  This is where the tears may come into play (especially if you are cleaning out your closet).  I need to emphasize how important this step is.  You don’t have a chance at staying organized if you don’t pare down.  You now have everything out of the space and so you must decide what is worthy of going back into your nice clean space.  The purge is step 3 for a reason.  It’s a mental thing but thinking about what you’re keeping versus what you’re getting rid of yields a much deeper purge.  For a closet, you will want to handle each piece of clothing and ask yourself if you feel good wearing the item.  Simple as that.  If you don’t feel good  (cute, sexy, Carrie Bradshaw-esque, comfortable, however you define good) in it, then away it goes!  As far as other spaces go, it’s harder to define good purging rules other than getting rid of things that don’t work, aren’t useful or beautiful, items that are expired, toys that the kids have evolved past, etc.  

  4. Contain  This is the fun part!  Go buy yourself some beautiful baskets, bins, whatever it takes to contain your items in the most accessible and beautiful way possible.  I also find this step to be super motivating because if you’re like me you’ll be excited to get back home and beautify the space.  I love walking into a beautiful pantry where everything has a home in a beautiful basket or turntable or a master closet with beautiful canvas or linen bins!  So put things back into the space keeping in mind that items that are used the most should be the easiest to access.  EVERYTHING has a home and like with like.

  5. Label  This is more helpful than you would ever think.  When the containers are labeled you don’t even have to think when you are putting things away. There are so many options out there for labeling.  I personally love to use paint pens or a basic label maker and picture labels are a good option for the kid’s stuff.  Getting the kiddos to pick up after themselves suddenly becomes a fun game in itself!

Make sure and take your bags of donated, trashed items out at the end.  You will literally feel lighter just by taking the junk out of your home.  Also, now that you are organized be mindful of what you spend your money on and bring into your home.  A minimalist mindset can be a beautiful thing.  More on that later…

Putting Your House On The Market?

If you’re looking to get top dollar for your home, hiring a professional organizer may be in order. As a professional organizer I will not only declutter your spaces but also arrange your possessions in a way to maximize the space and minimize probable buyer concerns.

Any good realtor will tell you that to get top dollar for your home it needs to show well. This means not just a clean home but an organized home!

Kitchens sell homes so that is the first place to start. Box up or donate small appliances that aren't used regularly. Clear any paper clutter out of the kitchen. The goal is to have counters as clear as possible with just a few useful items on top. This will make the kitchen seem larger and the potential buyer will be better able to imagine themselves in there whipping up a batch of chocolate chip cookies or making breakfast for their family.

If your kitchen is cluttered and overfull, you know what the potential client will be picturing? No? Me neither, but I do know they will be distracted and this gets in the way of them picturing themselves living in the space. A potential buyer cannot and will not start getting excited about living there if all they can think about is all the living (and messing) you and yours are doing there!

The pantry is the next space to tackle. If you hire us, we will organize and stylize your pantry in a way that you can easily move all your food over to the new house, as it will all be contained (beautifully, I might add). I have yet to organize a pantry that doesn’t look much bigger in the end. This is important because the beautiful walk in pantry is a trend that is going nowhere soon and who doesn’t want a Pinterest perfect pantry?

So with this post I focused on where I would start as far as getting your home ready to list but every room matters when you are trying to get the most money for your house. Each and every space should be organized and clutter free. The beauty of hiring a professional organizer to get your house market ready is that once we’re done you will have so much less to pack!

I’ve included a link here to a good article for those of you looking to list your home:

Do These 11 Things Before Putting Your Home on the Market


Good luck and look forward to helping you get organized!

Studies Show A Link Between A Cluttered Home and Depression

Following is a link to a very interesting study. This is no big surprise for me but now it’s science! Having an organized home, that is a home that doesn’t have a proverbial to do list in every corner is actually stressful.

I have two types of clients: 1. Clients who want to be organized (the mess is really stressing them out) but don’t have the time to get there and 2. Clients who are clutter blind (the mess doesn’t really phase them) but live with someone who can no longer take the mess. Surprisingly, even those clutter blind clients feel a great weight lifted once the mess is cleared.

I got into this business of professional organizing because I’ve always found it natural to be organized and love the satisfaction of continually finding new and better ways to organize something. I continue to do this job in part because of the positive feedback from my clients. I have had clients tell me they can better relax now that their living space is free from the visual noise of the clutter. Conversely, I have had many clients tell me they are more productive and able to be singularly focused in their space now that it is organized. The benefits are many!

Check out this article and let me know your thoughts!
